Find original XEXUN TK102 USB firmware update cable now

Where can i order the latest original XEXUN TK102 USB firmware update cable?

We found the latest original XEXUN TK102 USB cable for your firmware update. You can also use it for USB setup with our free GPS tracker configuration tool.

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Old and new version of the latest XEXUN TK102 USB data firmware update cable

Price: ~ 6 $
Rating: | Visit dealer directly? XEXUN USB cable, old version, shipping from china1 or XEXUN USB cable, new version, shipping from china1
As you can see we have found two dealer shops for this cable. There are two versions of this cable, one old version and one new version. Depending on the age of your tracker the tracker will work with one of them. To make sure you have the proper cable you should better order both cables.

Please keep in mind that these cables are usually not compatible with TK102 clones and fakes. You should use these data cables only with original XEXUN TK102 trackers. But the cables are also compatible with other XEXUN GPS tracker models like TK103, XT009, XT011 etc.

What do i need a data cable for?

You can use data cables for XEXUN TK102 firmware update. These cables can also be used for GPS tracker setup and configuration with our XEXUN TK102 config tool. Find out more how firmware update on your XEXUN TK102 with FLASHMAGIC MCU programmer software works. If you don't like sending SMS text messages for GPS tracker setup you may like our XEXUN TK102-2 USB programming configuration setup tool.

How do i found out if i own a TK102 original or fake?

We have written an article for that. Learn more about how to recognize a TK102 clone, fake and original genuine.

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Using a GPS tracker can cause costs. If you would like to learn more about free mobile phone and high speed internet service in UK checkout our article FREE GPS tracker sim card in UK.